Bill Kleinebecker - Technology Advisor
Bill Kleinebecker is a Technology Advisor at the The Collins Group. He provides services in business and market development that identifies and quantifies potential markets for emerging technologies, analyzes a market’s readiness for a technology, and advises actions to be taken to prepare the technology for selected markets. He has provided these services for organizations in North America, Europe, and Asia and for organizations of all types, such as Global 1000s, governmental agencies, and startups. Bill has a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Industrial Management from M.I.T.
- Veteran in sales, marketing, and advanced technology planning at IBM. Was a major contributor on teams planning cross divisional strategic solutions in areas, such as, for an application platform that crossed operating environments, several subsystem services that would compatibility run on multiple operating systems, and a high performance/large capacity data bases. These activities disrupted product directions at IBM.
- Organizer and lead author of numerous market studies in a wide range of technology areas from software to optical devices to plastics. These studies would include identifying market potential, verifying value propositions, and arranging face-to-face meetings with potential partners.
- Researched multiple technology areas to forecast using group intelligence, the market acceptance of technologies areas that would be fielded over the next 10 years within an assigned technology. This was done within the U.S. intelligence community. Identified research teams working on advancements.
- Co-lead and authored reports on local assets with findings and recommendations to state/local groups pursuing new economic development opportunities. Areas covered were: bio technology, defense/space assets, and citywide assets.
- Co-led, organized, and documented results from collaborative workshops of diverse stakeholders that forecasted the roll-out of advancements in defined technology areas such as energy storage and remote sensors.