Dr. Scott Collins
Senior Adviser - Medical Technology

Dr. Scott Collins is an accomplished, forward looking CEO with 28 years of cross-industry leadership experience spanning strategy, operations and development in the life sciences, biotechnology, health tech, bioinformatics, IT and engineering. Responsibilities include company formation, business and product development, technology-market fit, public relations, strategic negotiations, sales and corporate partnership. Throughout life Scott has been drawn to solving big problems -- first as an inventor, then an entrepreneur, and now as a leader. He enjoys using his multi-disciplinary experience with teams of great people to overcome major challenges—technical, operational, and financial. He is an advisor to the New Organ Alliance and is working with national leaders to roadmap solutions to tissue and organ shortage. Initiatives thus far include the new organ liver prize, the vascular tissue challenge and the innovations in space award. He has also worked on initiatives to improve medical outcomes in low resource settings.
Email: scott.collins@thecollinsgroup.com
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